Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color

Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color

Regular price $4.99 Sale

Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color is ideal for those looking for beautiful, long-lasting results with 100% gray coverage or to enhance natural hair color. The unique powder formula is activated by water and deposits rich, natural-looking color into even the most stubborn gray hair. With no ammonia and no hydrogen peroxide required, this deposit only color is the gentle choice for rich color and optimum shine regardless of your natural hair color, consistency, condition, length or style! 


  • Contains no ammonia and requires no peroxide
  • Gives beautiful, true-to-life, long-lasting color
  • Provides a rich and natural look
  • Economical way to color your hair
  • No heavy masking odor
  • Easy application



Read all instructions included with the package carefully before use.

Assemble everything you need from the contents of the Bigen pack, plastic or glass bowl or cup and a non-metal stirrer, plastic or rubber gloves, cape or towel, brush, cold cream.

Do not pre-shampoo your hair unless it is very oily or treated with metallic color such as hair color spray or henna compound or any other material that might interfere with Bigen coloring. Cover the upper part of your body with the towel or cape. Apply a thin coating of cold cream along the hairline to guard against any traces of tint around the hairline.

Pour Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color into the plastic or glass cup or bowl. Add tap water at room temperature (DO NOT use hot water) following the proportions indicated in the instrutions to make a paste.1 bottle Bigen Powder, 5 Bigen measuring cups of water (2 fl oz) - 1 bottle Bigen Powder, 2 Bigen measuring cups of water (1 fl oz) - 1 bottle Bigen Powder, 1 Bigen measuring cups of water (1 fl oz).

Then quickly apply Bigen Hair Color mixture to the dry or towel dry hair with a brush. If you are partially gray haired, start application where the hair is most gray, making sure every hair strand is thoroughly covered. After application is complete, begin timing. It usually takes 20-30 minutes for the hair color to develop and cover gray. (DO NOT use dryer or cap).

Your color results depend on your current color or hair conditions. After 10 minutes, check your color by wiping a strand with cotton every few minutes until the desired color is achieved. Failure to perform a strand test may result in darker shade than expected. Now rinse Bigen thoroughly from the hair with warm water. Then wash the hair with mild shampoo until the water runs completely clear and free of color.

A low pH conditioner is recommended for satisfactory results.